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The Importance of Being Honest

In the review of honesty in the business world one key fact is that the importance of being honest cannot be overstated. Honesty is key in all aspects of life, but it is really important in business. Many people’s lives have been turned upside down because they were dishonest and thought “no one would find out” or “it wouldn’t matter”. In this post I am going to discuss the importance of being honest within business, how the majority of the wealthy are actually honest and how we may be deceived in our financial minds and not even know it.

Honesty in a Business

It is so important now to be honest in business. There is an interesting write up on the word “honesty” by the John Templeton Foundation that is worth the read. In brief, the article offers the concept of honesty as the relative moral character within a person. It goes further to correlate honesty to honor and how an honest person is free of lying, cheating, or stealing.

I know you have seen so many “get rich quick” programs that it almost makes you sick. I heard one the other that said build a “6 figure business in just 3 clicks”. Seriously? Three mouse clicks….I highly doubt that. There must be a catch. Of course there is a catch. This is just there to draw you in. I’m sure you know that as well, so I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but I have to be honest, it really sounds too good to be true.

Now please don’t misunderstand, I’m not at all knocking getting rich. I’m on my financial freedom journey right now and looking forward to the day where I am completely financially free. Can I find it in 3 clicks? I haven’t tried that method, but sounds too good to be true. I do, however strongly believe there are ways to build a 6 figure income business online.

Honesty In Business And Expectations

Expectations make you think that if you don't do everything now, it may never happen. You are not being honest with yourself. Honesty is vital for inward success. It helps you understand who you are.
Expectations are the enemy of Success.

Another key point with honesty in business is that if you are honest is doesn’t set up the listeners for expectations. If you are realistic and forthcoming in your business plan or education, then this tells people what they should expect. “Past performance does not indicate future gains” we’ve all heard that before, right? But this should almost be a very obvious disclaimer on some of these online Guru’s websites.

Building a business is hard. I have several motivation tips on my website. Please feel free to check out that site. But building a business is really hard. My wife recently discovered a meme that was “chose your hard”, being broke is hard, becoming rich is hard; chose your hard. Being overweight is hard, becoming fit is hard, chose your hard. I can’t think of the site she found this on, but when I remember I will post in my description and may even write a blog about it on my website.

Building Trust

Honesty in business is somewhat overlooked in today’s society but I will tell you that most wealthy people are honest. It’s true, becoming wealthy requires people to trust you in some form or another. People typically don’t buy from people they don’t trust. I would say that 90 to 95 percent of wealthy people out there are truly honest. I don’t have any scientific evidence to back that up, this is just me spouting what logically makes sense. The super rich and wealthy get a bad wrap mostly because of the amount of social media and news posts out there showing something to the contrary.

There was an article written by forbes.com that was titledBillionaires behind bars’. And it talked about these massively rich individuals who achieved wealth under very unscrupulous circumstances. I’m not suggesting that they shouldn’t report on this, I’m saying that that list was 10 people from all over the world and there are 540 billionaires in the US alone. Hang on. I’m not sure if you heard me correctly. There are 540 Billionaires in the US alone, that’s with a B. This is according to Forbes.com 2016 report of the world’s richest people. So with 10 of them behind bars, that is less than 2 percent. I realize that I’m oversimplifying a little, but the concept remains. There are honest wealthy people.

The Great Scam

Have you ever heard the saying that the squeaky hinge gets the oil? I think this is the saying that truly represents most people when it comes to online business and just in general “work-from-home” business concepts. Why? because we have been trained since childhood that we need to go to school, get good grades, get a good job, stock 40 percent of our income into savings and then when we get to 65 retire. That is not honesty in business.

Why would that be the only way to make money? That is truly the scam for most people. It’s unattainable for most to retire at 65. Plus it doesn’t give us any true financial freedom. We are constantly a slave to the bi-monthly paycheck. There is more on this in a book that I would suggest reading called ‘Fake‘ by Robert Kiyosaki. It discusses many of the lies that we were told and will reiterate the concept that the old method is unattainable.

Standard Rules Do Not Apply

scammed by the education system not being honest about financial education. This lack of frankness or honesty is why we have the financial crisis today.

Why is it unattainable? Simply because businesses don’t operate under the same concept as they did when this concept was created. The “school, grades, job, retire” concept was created mostly when our parents, grandparents were growing up. Businesses have evolved to where an employee must always be competitive or someone else will take the position or you won’t get the job. If businesses have evolved, why hasn’t the educational system evolved. This is the true dishonesty.

When I was in high school, I didn’t learn about how money moved through the economy. I had an accounting class which was basically understanding credits and debits. I only learned the process of the monetary system in my college courses; Money and Banking and Economics. However, these classes did not go into how money can be used to build financial freedom. Why? Because big corporations need workers. If everyone knew how to become their own boss and live financially free, then there would be no possibility for big corporations since there would be no working population. In order for there to be honesty in business, it must first start with education. An excellent read regarding corporate greed and how if may affect your life is within ‘The Grunch of Giants‘ by R. Buckminster Fuller.

Honesty In Entrepreneurialism

Am I sensitive to the fact that not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur? Yes, of course I am, but I would venture to ask why? Mostly I have heard because of fear. Now, most people will not come right out and say that, but that is what it boils down to. Fear of failure mostly. But oftentimes fear of unknown. You don’t know what you don’t know. This deters people more often than not. This is why I have set my mission to reach as many people as I can to discuss financial freedom and help them to realize their dreams. Please take a look at another blog that referencesFinancial Freedom and additional steps we can do to achieve it.

Disclaimer: I receive affiliate compensation for some of the links in this article at no cost to you. However, these are the best tools I have used and tested that I believe are most effective for launching and running an online business. You can read our full affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

Honesty and Success in Business

Honesty is something that is paramount to success in every endeavor. Without honesty, we lose ourselves and cannot be effective in any business. I learned a long time ago that it’s better to give all the facts than try to side step something that could cause major issues in the future. Growing a business is hard, but chose which hard you want.

If you are curious about exploring financial freedom, there is a program I want you to see. This guy lays it out perfectly and his story is amazing going from being in debt almost 500k dollars to making over 50 million dollars in ten years. He teaches you how he did it and how you can do it as well. Please take a look. Thanks for reading. 

Cheers to your success and See you at the Top!
