Is there an ETF with only the five FAANG stocks? What are FAANG stocks? Should these stocks be part of my investment strategy? It’s important to understand what are FAANG stocks and if they are a good investment strategy. In this review, we discover what makes up this acronym, why the are important and how …
Tag Archives: Financial planning
Stocks or Mutual Funds: How do You Decide?
Stocks or Mutual funds for $1,000, please. There has been an age-old debate on which is better as an investment. Some say stocks because you are actually owning the company, some say mutual funds because there is the belief that there is diversification, therefore less risk. There are people that I know who swear by …
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Financial Advisor Services: Are they Worth it?
A financial advisor can be a very important person in the life of an investor. It’s important to know as much as you can before enlisting the advice of any financial professional. I’m sure you have seen commercials or read somewhere about how a Financial Advisor can help you. But can they? What are they …
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Plan to Retire Early in 3 Easy Steps
If you plan to retire early there are a few things that you need to know. Standard retirement age is 65. In this article, I review some of the steps needed for early retirement. I am really discussing retiring earlier than 65. Retirement seems to be on many people’s mind. Especially if you are in …
ETFs 101: Quick guide to Exchange Traded Funds
Exchange traded funds, more commonly known as ETFs are frequently mentioned on many of the financial and investing channels, but what are they really? I would imagine more commonly, ETF could refer to Electronic transfer of funds, but that is not the case. In this quick guide to ETFs, I discuss what an ETF is, …
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