Review of Betterment Investing: Is it Better?

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Some people avoid investing because they feel unsure about how the system works and are afraid to make costly mistakes. However, thanks to the increasing number of services and applications offered today, the field is becoming more accessible to everybody. Enter the review of Betterment Investing app. Most apps provide complete investment management. Services range …

Mutual Funds: What are they?

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Mutual funds are one of the most common investments. They seem to be popular in conversations around retirement and in the personal finance world. For that matter, whenever you watch any news show, it seems there is someone talking about investing or saving money in either insurance or mutual funds. Mutual funds are one type …

Emergency Fund Savings: Do you need one?

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Banks and Financial Advisors often talk about an Emergency Fund Savings Account, also known as an emergency fund, as something required for every individual. Is it really required? Are there other financial vehicles that can accomplish this? In this review of Emergency Fund Savings, I will first define what is meant by an emergency fund, …

Tips for Saving and Investing Money

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Have you ever wondered where are the good tips for saving and investing money? How do people know which is better, Saving or investing? Or are they both equally important? In this tips for saving and investing money post, we will discuss why both are important and why you may consider one over the other. …